Making Time for Family Time

A couple weeks ago, Brandon suggested that we take the kids to a local little wildlife park called the Nature Center.  Even though we had just moved and *really* needed to do some work unpacking, we decided we would all probably like each other more at the end of the day if we took a few hours and did something fun.  {We tackled some unpacking once kids were down for naps after lunch.}  I am so glad we did!  It is always a treat to treat the kids, always a joy to see their joy in exploring their world.  And we love taking advantage of whatever fun spots our little town offers.

{Sorry for some blurry pics. Brandon gave me a new lens for my birthday and I’ve been forcing myself to leave it on the camera full-time so I practice using it.}

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^ Looking for turtles. ^

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^ Checking out the raccoons.  This guy.  He is such a great hubby + dad.  He carried my 500 lb hot pink bag, and often a kid or two.  I’m really, really thankful him.  He loves animals maybe more than the kids, so he’s like a big kid himself. ^

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^ We loved all the lofted bridge trails in the trees! ^

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^ Brandon took this one.  It’s out of focus, but it’s the only one of kids + I from the day. ^

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^ Timely spot for a little snack break and monkeying around to burn off some energy. Then, onto the bobcats + cougars. ^

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^ The otters were Noah’s absolute FAVORITE.  He was screaming and going nuts whenever they’d swim up to the glass. ^

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P on the otter-slide and then to the petting farm to brush the goats.

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He also loved this.  So much.  He has such a sweet little nurturing side.  And then, of course, the tractor.  Maybe that was his favorite.

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^ Unfortunately, not a single shot capturing his glee was in focus.   But at least I captured the spider web.. right?! ^

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Work on the farm for the little farm hands:

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For Phoebe the biggest highlights, though she was half-terrified, were seeing the wolfies and the bears.  By the end of our couple of hours, the kids were exhausted.  And they took GREAT naps.  Win/win.

These kind of outings are so good for Brandon and I.  To just make time for family time.  There is the temptation to work without ceasing, as there is always, ALWAYS, work to be done.  But it’s part of something we’re wrestling through and learning lately: recreating together in some form draws us back together after a week of busyness and the mundane.  It “re-creates” us, in a sense, as a family.  Choosing to set aside worry and stress and just remembering how to be like children, to enjoy this world that God has made, to look for glimpses of His character and His fingerprints on all He has made, and to set aside the rush and hurry to just slow and enjoy.  It is part of what rests our souls and helps us see and remember how much we love each other and the gift God has given us in giving us LIFE, and life together.

Stopping the frenetic pace so we can savor.  This is my goal lately!

3 thoughts on “Making Time for Family Time”

  1. Now If I can look forward to THIS kind of stuff with hubby and kids then I think I can get over my fears and woes about being a young mama. LOVE these pictures (especially of Noey going nuts over otters and him and Phoebes sitting on the giant turtle). Hope to do something fun like this soon with the changing leaves and all =]

    1. You’ll have so much fun with your little one! You’re such a fun auntie for the kids, p loves all the songs you teach her so much. You’re going to make a fantastic momma!

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